General usage conditions

This website is the sole property of NETPHARMALAB CONSULTING SERVICES S.L. (herein Netpharmalab), registered at Carretera de Fuencarral, 22 – Alcobendas (Madrid); CIF/VAT: B87753711 Registered in MADRID.
The general agreements which are listed below regulate access to and use of the website the online platform through which the business NETPHARMALAB publicises and offers its services.
We advise that users read this information carefully. Accessing this website and using the contents therein implies that you have read and accept, without any reservation, these regulations.

In addition, NETPHARMALAB can establish certain conditions which regulate the use and/or contraction of specific services offered to users through this website. Before using and/or contracting said services please carefully read these conditions. The use and/or contracting of such services implies full acceptance of the particular conditions.


1.1 General conditions are defined as the set of rules which regulate access, use, navigation and/or contraction of services on the part of the client relating to the content of the website.
1.2 The term “website” is defined as the online portal: along with all of its content and any hyperlinks which redirect to materials which are the property of NETPHARMALAB.
1.3 The term “user” is defined as any person who accesses, navigates and/or participates in the services and activities built into the website, whether free or otherwise.
1.4 The term “content” is defined as all information shown on the website, composed, illustrative headlines, text, information, data bases, graphics, photographs, designs, software, music, videos.


NETPHARMALAB alone or as a trustee, is the owner of all industrial and intellectual rights of this website, as well as the content within. CSD or THE USER agree to respect all industrial and intellectual property rights of said page. You may display the elements of the website and even print, copy, and store them on the hard drive of your computer or likewise in any other physical backup provided that it is exclusively for your own personal and private use. Therefore any transferral, distribution, public communication, making publically available or any other form of exploitation is strictly forbidden, as well as any modification, alteration or breaking down of content without the prior written authorisation of NETPHARMALAB. The user should refrain from deleting, altering, avoiding or manipulating any protection devices or security systems which have been installed on the website.


3.1 User have free and open access to However, some of the services and content offered by NETPHARMALAB or third parties may be subject to prior contraction and/or the payment of a quantity of money determined in the corresponding Specific Conditions, and in the manner required under these conditions.
3.2 It is forbidden for minors to contract services through the website without prior explicit consent from their parent(s), guardian or legal representative, who will ultimately be considered responsible for the acts carried out by minors in their care, in accordance with the applicable current laws.
3.3 If for the use and/or contraction of a service from the website, the user needs to register, the user will be responsible for providing truthful and legal information. If as a consequence of registration, the user need to provide a password or access key, this comes with the commitment of making diligent use of and keeping this password or access key secret in order to access these services. Therefore, users are responsible for keeping access keys and passwords provided by NETPHARMALAB in the strictest of confidentiality.
The user will be equally responsible for the correction and truthfulness of data provided, or that are required in different forms which form part of the content of the website.
The user will be responsible for the any illegal use of information obtained from this website, whether it be by themselves or by an illegitimate third party to whom they have transferred by any means said information.
In accordance with the aforementioned, it is the user’s responsibility to immediately notify the website management regarding any events which allow for the improper use of identification keys and/or passwords, such as theft, loss, or suspicion of unauthorised access, in order to process immediate cancellation. While these events will not be communicated by any means, NETPHARMALAB will investigate by any means possible what information might be accessed through this improper use of information.
3.4 The user is responsible for website navigation. This means that the user is obliged to use the content correctly and legally.
3.5 The user also agrees to:
3.5.1 Not use the content for purposes or effects in contrary to the law, morals, or good customs generally accepted by public order;
3.5.2 Not reproduce or copy, distribute, use, modify the content expect in the case of prior written permission from the owner.
3.5.3 Not employ any of the content for profit or by any means not allowed by NETPHARMALAB.
3.5.4 In general, not use the content of the website in any way that goes against what is established by the legal norms.


4.1 This website contains materials developed by NETPHARMALAB for informative and/or publicity reasons. The user should bear in mind that these materials may not reflect the most recent legislative or jurisprudential state of the questions analysed. Furthermore, the content can be modified, developed, or updated without prior warning.
4.2 The links contained in this website may direct the user to other websites or pages managed by other owners, of which NETPHARMALAB cannot exercise any type of control. NETPHARMALAB cannot respond to the content of or the state of said websites, nor the state of access to these sites via this website even when supposing that NETPHARMALAB recommends or approves their content, neither can it have any type of commercial relationship or dependency with said pages.
4.3 NETPHARMALAB does not guarantee nor is it responsible for: continuity or updating of website content; errors in said content or the correction or any defect which may exist; the absence of viruses and/or other damaging components on the website or server which administer it; the possible vulnerability of the website, the lack of functionality or correct performance of its content, of damages or harm caused, of all damages derived from the failure to abide by these general regulations.
4.4 However, NETPHARMALAB declares that acting with complete due diligence, it has taken the necessary measures, within its capabilities and the present technology, to guarantee the working of its content and online services and to avoid the existence and transmission of viruses and other components which are harmful to the user.


5.1 NETPHARMALAB can make available to users who have been previously authorised, the transmission of telematics communication.
5.2 NETPHARMALAB will send commercial communications by this means with information about events and services, both their own and of sponsors.


The user accepts the terms and conditions and the use of cookies and IPS surveillance whose use allows NETPHARMALAB to collect data. However, if the user wishes, they may deactivate or delete these cookies following the instructions on their web browser, in order to avoid said usage or surveillance.


7.1 En los supuestos que el usuario envíe información de cualquier tipo al web site, el mismo declara, garantiza y acepta que tiene derecho a hacerlo, que tal información no infringe derecho de propiedad industrial, derecho de propiedad intelectual, secreto industrial, o acuerdo de confidencialidad.
7.2 The user assumes the extension of responsibility without any limitation by NETPHARMALAB for any communication supplied personally, or in its names, which could invalidate any of the conditions of the previous section. LINK TO OUR WEB SITE. The link can only direct to the home page of the website. Through the website, NETPHARMALAB can allow third parties to publicise or lend their services or create hyperlinks with the page. In these cases, NETPHARMALAB will not be responsible for establishing the General and Specific Term and Conditions relating to the use, lending or contraction of these services by third parties. NETPHARMALAB does not authorise in any way the placing of links to the website on those web pages that contain content, software or information which is illicit, illegal, degrading, obscene, and in general that goes against moral, public order, or generally accepted social norms.


NETPHARMALAB may modify at any moment these terms and conditions, being correctly published as they appear here. The validity of the aforementioned terms and conditions will be as they are published and they will be valid until they are modified by other sufficiently published terms and conditions.


9.1 The heading of these provisions is for illustrative purposes only, and will not affect, qualify or amplify the interpretation of the content or the rules that it establishes.
9.2 In the case of discrepancies between what is established in these General Term and Conditions, and the Specific terms and conditions of each specific service, it will be the latter that take precedence.
9.3 The execution by NETPHARMALAB of any right conferred by these provisions will not constitute their renunciation, except when recognised in writing.


10.1 For cases where legislation allows for the possibility for parties to submit to a jurisdiction, Netpharmalab and the user, renounce the right to any other jurisdiction, and submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid.
10.2 NETPHARMALAB complies with the current Spanish legislation.